NHMS Prior Authorization Town Hall
Join us for an informative town hall addressing the persistent challenges posed by prior authorization. We understand the frustrations faced by your practices and the patients you serve. Our primary objective is to gain insights and understand how we can effectively assist in resolving these issues. This meeting is not limited to physicians alone. We also extend an invitation to billing and practice managers. We encourage anyone in your office who deals with prior authorization to participate and contribute their valuable perspectives. Together, let's work towards finding meaningful solutions.
Helping to lead the discussion will be New Hampshire State Representatives David Nagel, MD (R) and Jim Murphy, MD (D) as they hope to understand what priorities to focus on for the next legislative session.
This event is only available to members of the NH Medical Society - you can become a first-year member here for $99 and become part of the conversation!
Please contact NHMS Director of Advocacy Mike Padmore if you have any questions.