NHMS is looking for Accreditation Surveyors

Posted By: Mary West Latest News,

Did you know NHMS is an ACCME Recognized Accreditor?

NHMS currently accredits 11 providers in NH and Vermont to offer continuing medical education for physicians.

When organizations apply for reaccreditation, we use surveyors to review the submissions and conduct virtual interviews to make sure we have a complete picture of their CME program.

Surveyor Eligibility

An individual must meet the following requirements to be eligible to serve as a surveyor:

  • Cannot be employed by an ineligible company (one whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients).
  • Must be an active participant in continuing medical education (CME).
  • Must be able to adhere to the requirement that prohibits private consulting related to accreditation.

Surveyor Expectations

Surveyors are expected to:

  • Commit to Surveyor training, including New Surveyor Training, and completing at least two modules a year from the Required Accreditor Curriculum in ACCME Academy.
  • Participate in at least 2 surveys a year (there may be fewer depending on accreditation cycles).
  • Complete the required review of materials.
  • Prepare for and conduct the accreditation interview with accredited organizations.
  • Prepare the surveyor report by the established deadline.


What’s the time commitment?

Each survey takes 4-6 hours, including the review and interview. Online trainings require approximately 5 hours a year. Most surveyors also serve on the NHMS Education Committee, which meets 4-6 times a year, for one-hour evening meetings.

Contact NHMS to get involved!